¿Cuáles son los números ordinales en inglés ?
Los números ordinales se usan para mostrar el orden de cosas o personas.
Para la mayoría de los números ordinales se les añade 'th' a su equivalente numero cardinal.
4: Four. 4th: Fourth
7: Seven. 7th: Seventh
11: Eleven. 11th: Eleventh
Los números que terminan con '-ve', se cambia la '-ve' por '-f' antes de añadir la 'th.
5: Five 5th: Fifth
12: Twelve. 12th: Twelfth
Los números que contienen las palabras 'one', 'two' y 'three' en sus números cardinales acaban con '1st/first', '2nd/second' y '3rd/third'.
1: One. 1st:First
2: Two. 2nd:Second
3: Three. 3rd: Third
21: twenty-one. 21st: Twenty-first
32: thirty-two. 32nd: Thirty-second
Los números 11 'eleven', 12 'twelve' y 13 'thirteen' no siguen esta regla porque no contienen 'one', 'two' o 'three' en sus números respectivos cardinales.
Los números decimales (terminando en 0) se cambia la ultima 'y' para 'ie' antes de añadir el 'th'.
20: twenty. 20th: twentieth
50: fifty. 50th: fiftieth
Las fechas se suelen decir usando números ordinales.
Today is the 27th of May.
His birthday is on the 12th of December.
The first letter of the English alphabet is A.
My brother won second place in the competition.
The school rates as the eighth best in the country.
Números ordinales usamos contar desde lo mejor a peor. Por ejemplo en deportes o competiciones.
siempre tiene un final como ST ND RD TH
1st first
2nd second
3rd third
4th fourth
5th fifth
6th sixth
7th seventh
8 eighth
9th ninth
10th tenth
Cuando queremos hablar de posiciones en una competencia, hablamos de fechas, siglos o pisos de un edificio.
Agregaremos una terminación a los números, sin embargo tenemos algunos irregulares:
1ST - first
2ND - second
3RD - third
Los demás número llevarán terminación: TH
Por ejemplo:
19 - nineteenth
25 - twenty fifth
38 - thirty-eight
Hay algunos números que tendrán escrituras diferentes, te dejo la lista abajo:
Ahora sabes qué son y cómo usar los números ordinales.
Sigamos aprendiendo ♥
números ordinales
Los términos adjetivos que se utilizan para denotar el orden de algo/alguien son 1º - Primero, 2º - Segundo, 3º - Tercero, 4º - Cuarto, 5º - Quinto, 6º - Sexto, etc. Todos estos términos representan los números ordinales.
Ordinal numbers
Utilizamos los números ordinales para indicar cifras, fechas, el orden de las cosas o el piso de un edificio. Estos números los escribimos usando la cifra y las letras -th al final. Con excepción de los primeros 3 (primero, segundo y tercero) Por ejemplo:
1st = first 6th= sixth
2nd = second 7th= Seventh
3rd = third 8th= Eighth
4th = fourth 9th= Ninth
5th = fifth 10th= Tenth
I am the first child
(Soy el primer hijo)
Juan lives in the third floor
(Juan vive en el tercer piso)
She is the eleventh in line
(Ella es la décimo primera en la fila)
Los número ordinales son los que expresan el lugar que ocupa un sustantivo y nos ayudan a darle un orden.
En español los números ordinales son:
Primero, segundo, tercero, etc...
¿Y en inglés?
Números ordinales en Inglés
Los números ordinales en inglés no son muy difíciles de recordar, ya que los son diferentes son los tres primeros (First, second, third). Luego de eso, le agregamos la terminación -th a los números para convertilos de números cardinales a ordinales.
Por ejemplo:
17 seventeen (diecisiete) - seventeenth (décimoséptimo)
Más ejemplos
I won the first place in the race!🏅
Gané el primer lugar en la carrera.
The books are kept on the third box.📚
Los libros son guardados en la tercera caja.
Los número ordinales en inglés son los que enumeran la posición del sujeto en un orden o una lista. y son:
1 - First - 1st
2 - Second - 2nd
3 - Third - 3rd
4 - Fourth - 4th
a partir del 4 hasta el 20 se añade una th al numero cardinal como hemos hecho en el 4 después al inicio de cada decena el 1, 2 y 3 siempre conservan su formato original añadido al numero de la decena
21 - Twenty first - 21st
22 - Twenty second - 22nd
23 - Twenty third - 23rd
31 - Thirty first - 31st
21st twenty first
22nd twenty-second
23th twenty-third
24th twenty-fourth
25th twenty-fifth
26th twenty-sixth
27th twenty-seventh
28th twenty-eighth
29th twenty-ninth
30th thirtieth
31st thirty-first
32nd thirty-second
33rd thirty-third
34th thirty-fourth
35th thirty-fifth
36th thirty-sixth
37th thirty-seventh
38th thirty-eighth
39th thirty-ninth
40th fortieth
41st forty-first
42nd forty-second
43rd forty-third
44th forty-fourth
45th forty-fifth
46th forty-sixth
47th forty-seventh
48th forty-eighth
49th forty-ninth
50th fiftieth
51st fifty-first
52nd fifty-second
53rd fifty-third
54th fifty-fourth
55th fifty-fifth
56th fifty-sixth
57th fifty-seventh
58th fifty-eighth
59th fifty-ninth
60th sixtieth
61th sixty-first
62th sixty second
63th sixty-third
64th sixty-fourth
65th sixty-fifth
66th sixty-sixth
67th sixty-seventh
68th sixty-eighth
69th sixty-ninth
70th seventieth
71th seventy-first
72th seventy-second
73th seventy-third
74th seventy-fourth
75th seventy-fifth
76th seventy-sixth
77th seventy-seventh
78th seventy-eighth
79th seventy-ninth
80th eightieth
81th eighty-first
82th eighty -second
83th eightieth- third
84th eightieth-fourth
85th eightieth-fifth
86th eightieth-sixth
87th eightieth-seventh
88th eightieth- eighth
89th eightieth -ninth
90th ninetieth
91th ninety first
92th ninety second
93th ninety-third
94th ninety-fourth
95th ninety-fifth
96th ninety-sixth
97th ninety-seventh
98th ninety-eighth
99th ninety-ninth
1OOth One Hundredth
Ordinal Numbers in English
Used to give order to situations, objects or people.
Their abbreviations correspond to the last two letters of the complete word:
1st = First / First
2nd = Second / Second
3rd = Third / Third
10th = Tenth / Tenth
Next, we will present a short list with some ordinal numbers for you to take into account and memorize:
Numbers from 1 to 20
With the exception of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 12th numbers, the rest keep their original form of writing, but at the end the abbreviation "-th" is added. In the case of 20 (twenty), the "y" is replaced by the vowel combination "ie" and "-th" is added.
1st = First | 11th = Eleventh |
Numbers from 21 to 99
In these numbers the last digit (the one that completes the figure), is the one that takes the form of an ordinal number.
The numbers twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, the "y" is replaced by the letter combination "ie" and "-th" is added.
21st = Twenty first | 40th = Fortieth |
Numbers from 100
The same rules apply for these numbers. Maintaining the same rule given with cardinal numbers, compound figures such as thousands and tens are joined using the article "and" or a comma.
100th = One Hundredth
101st = One hundred and first
200th = Two hundredth
1,000th = One Thousandth
10,000th = Ten thousandth
100,000th = One hundred thousandth
1,000,000th = Millionth
10,000,000th = Ten millionth
We use ordinal numbers with some frequency so it is ideal to learn them.
We generally use ordinal numbers when making lists of things or narrating a series of events, they give us the idea of what goes first, second, third, etc.